Uni Exclusive Advantages
On every continent, UNI shapes are recognized for their performance and durability, as well as for their outstanding aesthetic and ecological features. The UNI product line has become synonymous with interlocking concrete pavers in residential, municipal, commercial or industrial applications. UNI expertise is often used for specifications by leading architects, engineers and other design professionals in the field.
To demonstrate the advantages of particular UNI pavers, the UNI ORGANIZATION conducts ongoing research at leading institutes and universities. The distinctive characteristics of UNI products are objectively addressed and presented with regards to interlock, durability, or economical or ecological benefits. Only UNI members enjoy open access and use of this research, which gives them an edge over any competitor. This not only creates nationwide recognition, but boosts the image of our group and ensures UNI members as the unquestioned leader in the industry. As a group, pooled marketing ability allows UNI licensees to be part of the nationwide advertising campaigns, and to have access to the printed reference materials, new advertisement techniques and proprietary computer software that are impossible for an individual manufacturer to aquire. Another benefit originating in the UNI team is our unmatched networking ability. This ability to exchange important industry-related information provides a valuable and critical advantage. New state-of-the-art UNI products, methods, innovations and inventions, as well as the competition, are openly discussed by UNI colleagues at our meetings and in committees. Results and recommendation are implemented with the foremost interests of UNI members in mind. This is impossible for typical trade associations to achieve because of their mission to please all members of an industry. Members in the UNI ORGANIZATION are not forced to represent the smallest common denominator within the paver industry. They represent its leaders and forerunners, not the followers.
Please contact F. von Langsdorff Licensing Ltd. for UNI licensing information.